What Could Be Better?

I was hungry for Chinese and I told my girlfriend that I couldn’t think of anything better than going to get humbow with my her.

She couldn’t think of anything either, except maybe going to get humbow with someone else’s more charming, more attractive girlfriend. True enough.

Originally posted as a diary entry on Kuro5hin. Although Kuro5hin is now defunct, an archived copy of the post includes a series of comments from the Kuro5hin community.

Blueberry Salmon

I once had salmon that tasted exactly like blueberries. It wasn’t served in a blueberry sauce, or any sauce at all for that matter, and the two other orders of the same dish at the table tasted normal. It was as if this particular salmon had eaten huge numbers of blueberries and the meat itself had soaked up the blueberry taste. Everyone at the table verified the phenomena.

Now I like blueberries, and blueberry salmon isn’t bad tasting per se, but it’s so unusual that it detracts from and devalues the normal salmon eating experience.

We told the waitress at the restaurant restaurant but she didn’t believe us.

Originally posted as a diary entry on Kuro5hin. Although Kuro5hin is now defunct, an archived copy of the post includes a series of comments from the Kuro5hin community.

Soaking Beans

Today I left dehydrated black beans in my mouth for an entire evening in an attempt to find out if it were possible for the saliva my mouth to reconstitute dried beans.

It seems that it’s possible.

It’s certainly not the most effective way to rehydrate beans but it’s a process that, in one evening, taught me more about the been reconstitution process, and about bean structure in general, than I thought I would ever know.

Originally posted as a diary entry on Kuro5hin. Although Kuro5hin is now defunct, an archived copy of the post includes a series of comments from the Kuro5hin community.

Diamonds Aren’t My Girl’s Best Friend

I’m not a big fan of diamond jewelry. The stories of artificial scarcity, the stories of horrible working conditions in the mines, the stories of massive rich manipulative organizations at the helm of the industry: all checks against the stones.

Additionally, I’m really not a fan of engagement rings. They seem to be both a sign of conspicuous consumption and a sign of ownership co-dependencey and control: a more expensive sophisticated hickey or high school letter jacket.

And sure, I understand that for most people, the ring is about a sign of love: “He loves me enough to spend lots of money on this ring.” However, I find this lack of critical perspective to be an extremely unattractive, even incompatible trait in a girl.

If I proposed to a woman and she asked for a ring, not only would not go out and buy her a ring, I think I would retract the engagement on the spot. I just can’t imagine happily spending the rest of my life with someone who could want a diamond engagement ring.

Talk about a request backfiring.

Originally posted as a diary entry on Kuro5hin. Although Kuro5hin is now defunct, an archived copy of the post includes a series of comments from the Kuro5hin community.

Extending the Baseball Metaphor

In America, people use a baseball metaphor to describe sexual experiences. If you have sex, it’s a home run and prerequisite sexual steps are merely base hits, doubles or triples.

However, the metaphor is limiting because there are only four bases. We should extend the metaphor by describing other important steps in the sexual process as visits to other parts of the baseball stadium like the bleachers, bullpen, pitchers mound, locker-room, dugout, other team’s dugout, and hot-dog stand.

Originally posted as a diary entry on Kuro5hin. Although Kuro5hin is now defunct, an archived copy of the post includes a series of comments from the Kuro5hin community.

Imported Singers

I think that poppy, happy music sounds better with stupid, poppy, happy lyrics. Listen the pop music and it’s clear that the industry seems to know this too.

When these lyrics are sung by non-native speakers, listeners can pretend the singers don’t know better, even when they almost certainly do. When the same lyrics are delivered by native speakers, it just seems pathetic.

I think all pop lyrics should be sung by non-native speakers.

Originally posted as a diary entry on Kuro5hin. Although Kuro5hin is now defunct, an archived copy of the post includes a series of comments from the Kuro5hin community.

The Sleep-Email Connection

A few days ago, my email was bouncing and there was nothing I could do but wait for the problem to fix itself. It made me feel so helpless and frustrated that I buried my head under a blanket and fell asleep. Although I woke up periodically, I slept for almost 24 hours straight until the email problem was fixed.

Upon reflection, it is probably the most I’ve slept since the last time my email was bouncing.

Originally posted as a diary entry on Kuro5hin. Although Kuro5hin is now defunct, an archived copy of the post includes a series of comments from the Kuro5hin community.

Me and My Big Mouth

I have a very large mouth.

When I was in first grade, my parents received a call from my teacher. The problem was that birthday celebrations, I was stuffing entire cupcakes into my mouth rather then eating them in a series of smaller bites.

The teachers were not worried about me—I was well equipped for the task. The teachers were worried about the handful of children around me who had asphyxiated while attempting to emulate me.

Originally posted as a diary entry on Kuro5hin. Although Kuro5hin is now defunct, an archived copy of the post includes a series of comments from the Kuro5hin community.

Blackberry Pies

I am allergic to blackberries pies. That’s pies, not pie.

I can eat blackberries just fine. Blackberry jams, cobblers, and pieces of pie, blackberry or otherwise leave me feeling fine.

As far as I can tell, It’s only when I eat the entire blackberry pie (and I’ve only made that mistake once) that I stop breathing and have to be hospitalized.

Originally posted as a diary entry on Kuro5hin. Although Kuro5hin is now defunct, an archived copy of the post includes a series of comments from the Kuro5hin community.


All my digital clocks and watches are set to 24 hour time. However, most of the people I interact with (Americans) are only fluent in the 12 hour dialect.

As a result, if someone asks me the time, I will look a clock at clock that says 15:30 and without thinking I say “three thirty.”

In Italy, people will say “fifteen thirty” and I just get confused. I do the translation naturally but it only works one way.

Originally posted as a diary entry on Kuro5hin. Although Kuro5hin is now defunct, an archived copy of the post includes a series of comments from the Kuro5hin community.

Garbage Trucks (and Cars)

I’ve heard that in Seattle, the police can give you a ticket for not having a little garbage bag in your car. The goal is to cut down on littering and the reasoning is that without a receptacle, all your garbage will be going out the window.

The interior of of many of my friends’ cars is covered with garbage. I wonder if the police would overlook the missing bag in such cases.

Originally posted as a diary entry on Kuro5hin. Although Kuro5hin is now defunct, an archived copy of the post includes a series of comments from the Kuro5hin community.

Those Drunk Americans

I am starting to believe that Italians think that all Americans in Italy are alcoholics.

When an Italian friend orders wine or beer in a restaurant without specifying a size, they receive a reasonable portion. When I order, I always manage to end up with twice as much as I want.

I guess I have it coming; I don’t understand much of what the waiters are saying so I tend to just nod my head. Still, I find it hard to believe that anybody drinks a beer as large as the one I got today over their lunch break.

If my experience is representative, I understand why all Americans in Italy are alcoholics.

Originally posted as a diary entry on Kuro5hin. Although Kuro5hin is now defunct, an archived copy of the post includes a series of comments from the Kuro5hin community.

Debian and Girlfriends

I love Debian as a GNU/Linux distribution, as a project, as a group of people, and as a social movement. That said, it should come as no surprise that I’ve installed Debian on 3 out of my 4 last girlfriends’ computers.

Many romantic relationships also end of rough terms so it should also be unsurprising that I’ve had rather nasty break-ups with 3 out of my 4 last girlfriends.

What worries me is that the two groups correspond perfectly.

Originally posted as a diary entry on Kuro5hin. Although Kuro5hin is now defunct, an archived copy of the post includes a series of comments from the Kuro5hin community.