Looks like fun, right? Probably. But a tube of powdered candy of that size might as well be a loaded gun. It’s frickin dangerous. I know.
When I was thirteen and tried putting the whole mega-Pixie Stick worth of flavored sugar in my mouth, I laughed and inhaled and the moisture in my throat hardened the sugar into a moist sugar ball lodged squarely in my trachea.
One my friends knew the Heimlich maneuver and managed to dislodge the bright blue coagulation into a psychedelic pool of vibrantly scarlet regurgitated Big Red Cola. It was the last time I touched either Pixie Stix or Big Red.
It wasn’t my time but I think, when I’m ready, that is exactly how I want to go.
What’s that kid doing with the Pixie Stick is what I have to ask – from the look on there faces the one on the right appears to be about to ram the entire thing (tube and all) straight down the others throat.
I nearly exploded what I was a child from experimenting with a big hit of “fizz wizz space dust”.
It’s a bad plan to try to empty about 4 packets into your mouth at the same time.
Ref: http://www.britishcandy.com/nostalgic_sweets_retro_candy1990.htm
That must have been some serious mojo!
I still have the same thing happen to me when I eat one of those mega pixie stiks.
BTW, where can one buy the mega pixies today?
– doug
I’m concerned why anyone would want to shove a whole pixie stick down their throat. 😭