Ever considered doing research about online communities, free culture/software, and peer production full time? It’s PhD admission season and my research group—the Community Data Science Collective—is doing an open-to-anyone Q&A about PhD admissions this Friday November 5th. We’ve got room in the session and its not too late to sign up to join us!
The session will be a good opportunity to hear from and talk to faculty recruiting students to our various programs at the University of Washington, Purdue, and Northwestern and to talk with current and previous students in the group.
I am hoping to admit at least one new PhD advisee to the Department of Communication at UW this year (maybe more) and am currently co-advising (and/or have previously co-advised) students in UW’s Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering, Department of Human-Centered Design & Engineering, and Information School.
One thing to keep in mind is that my primary/home department—Communication—has a deadline for PhD applications of November 15th this year.
The registration deadline for the Q&A session is listed as today but we’ll do what we can to sneak you in even if you register late. That said, please do register ASAP so we can get you the link to the session!