
I once had a job clearing land in the forest to build homes. For one job, we were clearing land for a Tibetan Buddhist women.

On the land where the house was to go, the owner had built a small hand-hewn hut for "sweats" and meditations — her little sweat house.

After a day of work, one of the other workers looked around and asked, puzzled, where the sweat house had gone. With a little bit of examination we realized that we had managed to hit it, squarely, with a large tree we had felled. It was completely pulverized.

Very diplomatically, my boss informed the owner that from now on, her life would be "no sweat."

Sinus Congestion

I frequently run into congestion problems in two places: networks and noses. In the nasal sense of the word, it usually has to do with a build up of pressure and/or an infection in my sinus(es):


With that in mind, take a look at Michael Vogt’s wireless card pictured below:


He said the card preforms poorly. I can suggest a couple good sprays…

One Man’s Hardware Is Another Man’s…

When I was younger I went through a punk rock phase. I never really grokked punk music but I liked the punk aesthetic and clothing.

My parents gave us a small allowance to purchase clothing — but it could only be spent on clothing. If I remember correctly, my parents and I once had a small argument when I asked for my clothing allowance to go shopping in the chain, stud, and rivet sections of the hardware store.

Note To My Real Friends

A few days ago, I wrote about my kissing competition moment of glory. I think that this is the sort of information that might make me more successful in my love life if it were widely known.

The problem is that if I go around telling people that I’ve won a kissing competition, I would seem sleazy and vain. The fact that I was bragging would hurt opinions of me more than it helped for any of the people that I am interested in kissing.

I think my real friends should find and employ subtle techniques to mention my victory to people that I might enjoy kissing before I meet them.

The Right Oil

I was in Italy for much of the last two years but I was always in and out and usually stayed for between a couple weeks and a couple months. It was usually long enough that I didn’t want to eat out every day but not long enough that I wanted to invest in a lot of "core ingredients" for cooking.

As a result, I was frustrated that I couldn’t find olive oil in bottles less than one liter. In the US, it is usually difficult to find bottles larger than half a liter so I couldn’t imagine why there was nothing smaller than what was, for me, extra, extra large.

I asked Enrico Zini (who is from Bologna) if you could find smaller bottles of olive oil in Italy. He paused and then asked in return, "why would anyone want less than 1 liter of olive oil."

I guess that was my answer.

A Sticking Point

When coke orgies come up in conversation, people usually use the term "coke" to refer to "cocaine." Imagine, for a moment, a "Coca-Cola Orgy."

That sounds like one sticky misunderstanding.

Right Time, Right Place

When I was in 8th grade, I was suspended from school for public displays of affection. Basically, I was kissing at school in a way that the school administration thought was "over the top."

Two years later, I entered an audience-judged kissing competition. Basically, an exercise in over-the-top, exhibitionist kissing. I took first place.

Make your weaknesses your strengths.

Just Relax

I think the full-bodied, full-on-lisp voice urging players to "just relax" each time they lose a level in the arcade game Pipe Dream, may be the single least relaxing sound in any video game ever. Except maybe crazy balloon.

The Strand at Nostrand

The Strand is the largest book used book store in New York City. They have several locations around Manhattan. If they choose to open a location in Brooklyn, I suggest they open shop at Nostrand Avenue. It’s the last place people will suspect.

Recent Talks on Customizing Debian

I’ve recently given two talks on Custom Debian Distributions and on deriving distributions from Debian more broadly. I finally got around to putting the information on my website so I thought I would mention it here for anyone that was there and wanted the notes/slides, for those that want to derive their own version or just for anybody who is interested.

The first talk was given on November 17th at my current "local" LUG, the New York Linux User Group (NYLUG). It was called Customizing Debian: Fork Yours With Debian GNU/Linux (a name I can’t and won’t take credit for). The talk was two hours and focused on the goals and techniques used by a number of groups that are deriving new distributions from Debian. I introduced Debian and gave an overview of the universe of Debian customizers. I then broke down the idea of customizing into a number of logical pieces and, using the examples of UserLinux, Ubuntu, and Debian-NP and Skolelinux (representing internal "CDD" groups), I walked the audience through the nitty gritty of customization using in-depth descriptions and a couple code samples.

You can get information on the talk in the following forms:

The second talk was simply a shorter stripped down version of the NYLUG talk. It was only 45 minutes and was given at the Grupo de usuarios de Software Libre de Barcelona, AKA, Badopi. The modified versions of the slides I used are below. I gave the talk without notes.

Brushing Up On My Australian

I spent some time last night with a room full of Australians going through a list of differences between US and Aussie English. They seemed to get a kick out of the fact that USians refer to "bum bags" as "fanny packs." The real winner for me is the fact that Aussies refer to potted plants as "pot plants."

I keep imagining the poor people who innocently ask US Consular or Customs officials if they are allowed to bring "pot plants" into the US.

I asked the Aussies what one would call a potted "pot" plant. They seemed to be struggling for an answer.


I don’t have a full list but I can say with confidence that finding and switching to offlineimap has been one of top ten most important life changes I’ve experienced in the last two years.

People laugh when I say this but I’m pretty sure its true.

Let Me Go Hail A…

Barcelona! What a tourist friendly city. Without useful signs like this, I would have, in all likelihood, confused the icon in this picture with a bus!


Potential for Potency

I saw this article (and many others on the same subject) about how laptops can reduce men’s sperm count. I’m at the Ubuntu Conference in MatarĂ³: a virtual sperm apocalypse.

Many geeks who are at no risk of impregnating anyone — or who are paranoid at the idea that they might — seem very concerned by the negative effects on potency of laptops that raise their "scrotal temperature." I’ve never understood this.