Feisty Release Fiesta

With the Debian 4.0 (etch) release parties out of the way, it’s time to devote a little energy to celebrating the forthcoming release of Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn).

A few of us from the nascent Massachusetts Loco Team in the Boston/Cambridge area have planned a release party — a Feisty Fiesta if you will — for Saturday April 21, 2007 19:30 at the Cambridge Brewing Company.

For more details, answers to your questions, or to RSVP for the party so we can reserve a big enough table, please visit the party wiki page.

4 Replies to “Feisty Release Fiesta”

  1. Something in central MA, like the Worcester area, may make more sense if this LoCo team is supposed to be for the entire state.

  2. You want a different location, please go ahead and plan the party. The population density is heavily skewed toward Boston and Cambridge. A bunch of the folks there (including myself) are students and do not have car so only something on the Boston T is really possible.

    Of course, there can be more than one release party. People in Western Mass would probably want to start their own I suppose.

  3. Hi Mako,
    I recently setup an etch party at your usual belgian spot with my 2nd cake complete with an etch and swirl. I’d love to see someone make a fiesty fawn cake, that´d be something!

  4. Good thing you’re not simulcasting it over the web, because those using wireless encryption and 7.04 would be unable to see it.

    C’mon. You’re shipping a broken product.  People have been griping about the wireless for months.

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