AndroidZoom, along with just about every other third-party interface to the Android Market out there, provides 2D barcodes which aim to make it easy to install Android applications that you find online on a phone. Maybe this would be a nice feature for F-Droid?
Unfortunately, I found this feature when I was trying to help a friend install the (free software) ZXing Barcode Scanner because they wanted to read a 2D barcode.
I think the links for F-Droid and ZXing have been transposed.
You’re right! Thanks Martey! I’ve fixed the error.
If all it does is take you to the Android Market, then why not go look for your scanner there right away?
Simpler yet, get your .apk from the source (Google Code project in this case) so that you can easily share it with even more friends.
No, you haven’t fixed the links yet.
Looks like someone has done this: