Over the past couple months, I gave a couple talks on Revealing Errors — my project to try and use errors to teach non-technical people about technology, the effects it has on our lives, and the ways in which we (as users) might want to control it.
The first version was at LUG Radio Live USA and went off reasonably well. A couple weeks later, I gave a version of the talk again at PenguiCon which went great. Unfortunately, neither recording seems to have worked out.
I’ll be giving talks on the subject at least twice more this summer. The first will be on June 18th at Boston Linux Unix at 19:00 at MIT in E51-315. It will be my first talk to BLU in something like three years. I’m also currently scheduled to give an abbreviated version of the talk as a keynote at OSCON under the title Advocating Software Freedom by Revealing Errors.
In addition to all that, I’m having a whole lot of fun updating the Revealing Errors blog (although not as often as I’d like) and am currently in discussions about publishing a longer version of the Revealing Errors article as a book chapter at some point in the next year.
Thanks to everybody who has been supportive of the project and read the blog, has told their friends, and who has told me about telling technological errors they’ve seen around. Please keep it up!