Session Descriptions for SummerSource Conference

Sessions Facilitated by Benjamin Mako Hill

All descriptions are copied, verbatim, from the Summer Source website. The complete list of sessions can be found online here.

The conference took place on the Island of Vis in Croatia for a week between August 29th and September 6th, 2003.

F/OSS & NGO's: Making the Case vs Proprietary Software

This session will address the considerations that make F/OSS a good fit for non-profits and NGO's. Time will be divided between presentation and discussion on the full range of topics in the F/OSS vs. proprietary debate. The goal is to allow implementers to leave with the knowledge they need to make the case for F/OSS while also remaining aware of the trade-offs and issues.

Deploying the GNU/Linux Operating System

This comprehensive workshop will offer guidance in choosing the right distribution and appropriate hardware for an NGO, enumerating the differences and advantages of distinct distributions. Hands-on installation and configuration labs will allow participants to immediately apply the learning with a variety of software and hardware combinations, while facilitators provide tips for troubleshooting and how-to's on avoiding dead-ends. Attention will also be paid to backup and crash recovery, network connections and privacy and data security issues. Solution strategies will include finding Internet resources, online help and communities, as well as best practices for software updates.

Intra-Developer Collaboration

This session will address the issues and challenges of building a community of developers around F/OSS projects. Successful communities will be compared, and a brainstorming exercise will allow developers to envision more effective communities moving forward.

Funding Models and Sustainability in F/OSS Projects

This workshop will address funding sources and business models for F/OSS projects in the NGO space. Models for F/OSS marketplaces will be considered, encompassing identification of networks and partnerships. Funding ethics will be addressed, and alternative currencies, including barter, will also be discussed. Helping developers to avoid the burn out that comes with working hard for little or no money will be focal goal of this session.

Last modified: Fri Sep 19 16:57:25 PDT 2003