Version v0.3.4 was released on Tue Dec 22 19:47:21 EST 2009 (Change log)
This document is distributed through the Linux Documentation Project as the "Software-Proj-Mgmt-HOWTO". Their version is rendered a bit differently than the one here but it is exactly the same text.
You can download the HOWTO in the following formats:
I appreciate the help of anyone who is willing to share any input or help improve the document. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you think you'd like to help or if you notice something wrong, incorrect, or out of date.
Thanks to the hard work of Robert F. Schmitt, a translation of the HOWTO is available in German. You can find download and read it in the following formats:
Thanks to the hard work of Isidro Fuentes Hermoso, a translation of the HOWTO is available in Spanish (Castilian). You can find download and read it in the following formats:
If you'd like to read the very latest version with fixes I may have made but not yet released. Or, better yet, if you want to make some changes to the document and send me a patch, please feel welcome to check out the latest version of the HOTWO using Git with the following commands:
git clone git://
The repository is also browseable on the web.