What’s Wrong With My iPod?

Last November I wrote about an iPod liberation party we held in Cambridge. As I mentioned then, it was a huge success. Mika just got around to polishing up a short documentary video she made from footage at the event and a few interviews afterward. The documentary is called, What’s Wrong With My iPod? and it acts as an introduction to DRM on iPods and what we can do about it.

The video introduces the concept of DRM, the dangers it brings, and describes the role it plays on the iPod. The second half is about iRony, our iPod liberation party, and RockBox.

Please pass the video links around to your friends — especially those who might not be up to speed on DRM. If it inspires you, think about running your own iPod Liberation Party (instructions here).

You can view it on blip.tv (only MP4 until their converter catches up), on YouTube, or you can just download the OGG theora file (also in high quality).

9 Replies to “What’s Wrong With My iPod?”

  1. Have you (where “you” refers to people involved with iRony) considered helping out finishing polishing the Rockbox Utility (http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/RockboxUtility), which is a C/wxwidgets program to install Rockbox and bootloader on all supported devices. At least that’s the plan – it’s still not quite done.

    It uses wxwidgets 2.8 though, which is not widely available yet.

  2. No! It sounds great though. I’ll check it out and test it for sure. If it works well, I’ll try to package it up for Debian and Ubuntu and will modify my iRony RockBox Installer website to point to it instead.

    Thanks Donald for the hint!

  3. Just saw the video, and even not owning an iPod I decided to give RockBox a try in my iAudio X5…

    I’m playing Doom right now!!!…


  4. Thanks for the video and the heads up on RockBox. I think I’ll wait for the iRony installer to become more mature before attemting to use it. I am not knowledgeble in both Python and RockBox but am very interested in free-ing up my iPod.

    I love the song BTW that is on the video.

  5. Very cool!

    I think that party was a great idea.

    I like the iPod’s UI best (and the ClickWheel), but I am afraid of breaking sth installing Rockbox, so I never did it yet.

  6. Dumb q: what was the music in opening and closing credits?

    Good luck with your efforts!

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