Mr. Internet2

I think it would be funny to change my name to something with a number in it. I wouldn’t want something l33t like "H1ll." Rather, I’d prefer something that is well-known word that happens to have a number in it like CAT5 or Internet2.

If I was an old man named Benjamin Mako Internet2 half a century from now, I could tell young people that I was the inventor of Internet2, that the project was named after me, and that the fact that it was in some ways similar to the first Internet was really just a coincidence.

That may sound pretty implausible but coming from a guy whose last name is Internet2, I think some people would buy it.

3 Replies to “Mr. Internet2”

  1. Someone will inevitably ask if you ever met the inventor of the Internet. Start setting up a photo-op with Al Gore now.

  2. My friend Catherine once said she was going to start spelling her name Cathe5rine, and when people said, “what’s with that 5?” she’d say, “huh?  Oh, the 5 is silent.”

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