And Yes, Bigger is Better

Although many people suggested that it was impossible, I am forced to admit that one of my greatest fears has come to pass. That’s right, I am no longer the person in my apartment with the largest sunglasses.


My only consolation is that I remain, thanks to the generosity of Marcell Mars, the person with the longest-billed hat.

10 Replies to “And Yes, Bigger is Better”

  1. Oh my god you are my doppleganger!  Nearly had a heart attack seeing this image, I took dozens of images in the exact same pose with very similar glasses and an equally lovely petite young lady.

  2. If you were to transform this photo into a japanese-style cartoon it would make an interesting drawing. I think the reflected glare in your sunglasses might transform into a nice big twinkle.

  3. i just wanted to add that even if the hat is the longest-billed you are not the only one wearing it.. about two months after wht i asked one guy who bought the hat after me to give it to me coz for him that was just one day fun… the hat contacted me directly in my dream so i went to the guy directly (again) and saved the hat… it is black.. i was happy having it again ;)

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